Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cold and Snow

I was on Twitter this morning (@Orr_Weather) and saw a post that schools and some public facilities in Glasgow were closing early today because of the cold. I checked it out - oh -  Glasgow, Scotland - not Montana! Schools, libraries, government offices and recreational facilities are closing early today and tomorrow because of the extreme cold. How cold is cold in Scotland? The 3pm (local time) temperature was 17F and the forecast low for tonight is +8, colder away from the city.

The Southeast is going to see a deep freeze Saturday through Tuesday. Florida will have a hard freeze (teens north, 20s south) Sunday night and Monday night.

The weather Sunday and Monday also looks very nasty for New York, New Hampshire and Vermont as a 970mb (28.64") low moves across eastern New England. My best estimate at this early date is for 12-24" of snow (locally 36") and 60mph winds.

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