Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another Tropical Storm is Brewing

At first glance there's not much going on today. The morning satellite image shows some thunderstorms in south central Canada and clouds/rain associated with the remnants of Alex still lingering over TX and NM (what's left of Alex is over Mexico).

An upper level weather system behind a cool front will continue to bring showers and thunderstorms to Montana - with the activity spreading across Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota today and tonight. Showers and thunderstorms will be widespread across Florida and develop westward today across the Gulf of Mexico.

The next storm system of concern is a tropical wave over the Caribbean Sea. It looks like it will track pretty close to Alex's path, reaching the Yucatan Peninsula Tuesday or early Wednesday.

Right now it looks like maximum winds will be around 45 knots on Tuesday. Oddly, the Tropical Prediction Center seems none too concerned.

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