Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Look at 3 Weeks in August

On of the great things about forecasting the weather is being able to look at a wealth of information that allows me to peer a few weeks and months into the future.

July isn't quite over, yet I already have a pretty good idea what the first three weeks of August will be like.

The central part of the country is going to be hot with highs in the 90s to low 100s from Denver to Nashville and from Sioux Falls to Brownsville. The southern Great Plains will be drier than normal while the rest of the country holds with near-normal rainfall.  The monsoon will continue across the West with afternoon and evening flare-ups of thunderstorms.

Most of the country will have light winds which will allow a buildup of haze and smog.

There will be an increasing chance of a tropical storm. One area that looks prime is the eastern Caribbean Sea, the other is the Gulf of Mexico.  The threat picks up after August 8 as the general weather pattern weakens giving a tropical storm the chance to become a dominant force.

The Northeast and the Great Lakes will be getting occasional pushes of natural air-conditioning after a long, hot late spring and summer. The cool air is beginning to pool in northern Canada and will make occasional incursions into the northeast quarter of the U.S.

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